2008, We’ll Miss You

December 31, 2008

It’s the season of year-end retrospectives.  This is the time when blogs across the web are filled with reminiscences, thoughts of the year past, and the realization that they haven’t posted anything for several months and really should.

At Postful, it’s been a busy year.  We came out of beta at the Office 2.0 conference in September.  We added postcards to complement our existing letter offering.  We’ve released a major new version of our API.  Through it all, we’ve continued to add new users and find that we’re being used in new and unexpected ways.

Thanks for a great 2008, loyal Postfulites (Fun Fact: historically, the Posfulites were residents of the Posful valley in modern Iraq.   They were wiped out by the Akkadian empire over four thousand years ago).  We’re looking forward to an even brighter 2009.

Columbus Day

October 12, 2008

Just a brief reminder that another minor postal holiday is almost here. Tomorrow, October 13, is Columbus Day (don’t worry, we didn’t remember either until our holiday notice came up). Any letters or postcards which would have normally gone out tomorrow will instead be mailed on Tuesday, October 14.

I know I’ll be out singing traditional Columbus Day carols (my favorites include “Scurvy like you mean it”, “Spice Girls”, and “White Christmas”).