Postful at Graph Expo

October 25, 2008

For those of you who will be attending the Graph Expo conference in Chicago next week, drop us a note.  We’d love to meet up with as many Postful users as possible!

New Dispatch Times

October 13, 2008

Over the next week, we’re going to be adjusting the time at which letters are dispatched for printing.  After the transition, all letters will be dispatched at 1AM PST, Monday through Friday.  This change will allow us to more easily handle volume spikes and avoid mailing delays as volumes continue to expand.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this change.

Columbus Day

October 12, 2008

Just a brief reminder that another minor postal holiday is almost here. Tomorrow, October 13, is Columbus Day (don’t worry, we didn’t remember either until our holiday notice came up). Any letters or postcards which would have normally gone out tomorrow will instead be mailed on Tuesday, October 14.

I know I’ll be out singing traditional Columbus Day carols (my favorites include “Scurvy like you mean it”, “Spice Girls”, and “White Christmas”).